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N.E.S.T's Winter Residency Closing Gathering “Healing Hearts”

N.E.S.T's Winter Residency Closing Gathering

On this very special night, we will officially close our Winter Residency Program with our dear Colombian family: Sofia, Dani and Aiawa. We have named them "The Guardians of the hearts of the N.E.S.T".

The N.E.S.T has beeen hosting them for a period of 2 weeks along with some of their extended family and Shaina Garfield, Ceremonialist, Death Doula & Grief Coach.

The focus has been on Healing Hearts ❤️‍🩹, as this family is on a journey of divine transition grieving their young son, Kum, who is now with the stars.

Bring along delicious food to nourish, share songs, dance and sit by the fire with us as we close this chapter.

This is a family-friendly event, all ages welcome


This process is costly. Your generosity in donating will be most appreciated.

February 19

The Ancient Sacred Art of Self-Hypnosis - Session 3

February 25

Kundalini Kriya Yoga & Sound Journey w/ Owen Powell