Rattles are the sound of the North in the medicine wheel. Their sound assimilate the rain therefore a good cleanser of dense energies stuck in body, mind or spaces. They are also used for traveling into other realms, journeying to the North where our ancestors, teachers and guides live.
What to Expect:
In this workshop you will craft a traditional yet upgraded Elk-rattle for ceremonial and healing use. Mia recently received a download to “update” the rattle to “current,” where they are asking to be filled with crystals instead of the traditional corn. They want to have copper wrapped around the handle to balance the yin/yang energy and act as a conductor between the spiritual and physical realm. So Mia listened and followed, therefore we will be creating this updated version.
Once sacred space has been opened and everyone has voiced their presence in the circle we will receive the materials for bringing these tools through. The first step is to make the holes and sew them together. We will be filling them with sand to take the desired shape and let them dry while taking our one hour lunch break. Once gathered again, Mia will open the Akashic Records for the group and channel what wants to come through for a couple of hours until the rattles are dry and ready to be assembled. This is when we will exchange the sand for crystals, decorate them and wrap the copper around the handle.
What is included?
All material necessary for creating your one of a kind unique rattle.
Group Akashic Record reading
Access to N.E.S.T. sacred forest
Nourishing delicious lunch
About Facilitator:
Mia is a Ceremonial Guide and mystic Drumdoula who will guide you through the sacred process of birthing your very own heartbeat. As an experienced facilitator, she can hold an atmosphere outside of time and space, creating the magic of coming together and supporting one another to heal and awaken.
It was the drums that led her on the road to healing herself so that she could ultimately be of service to others.
She has studied an array of modalities and traveled the world collecting ancient knowledge, yet she feels that life itself has been the most potent initiator and teacher. Master-plants have played an important role in her life as she expresses that they have blessed her with interdimensional roadmaps and taught her about Spiritual warfare, discernment, and the deceit within and without, finding our way back to Love. No longer following any specific teaching or tradition, she gives great reverence and gratitude to them all. Arriving at a place where it is between Earth, herself and the Most High, in vertical sovereignty. She pairs knowledge and expertise with her wisdom, intuition, emotional intelligence, and life experience to guide her work.