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Wild Wisdom Teachings: Saturday Workshop

Please note dates and times:

Friday 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm (Free introduction)

Saturday 10:00 am - 2:00 pm (Workshop)

We are each the Visionary Leaders of our own lives. The path of Purpose brings many moments of initiation as we follow the heart’s calling. Initiation simply means “to begin.” Every step on a Visionary journey is a new beginning – with new lessons and opportunities that empower insight, healing, and sharing one’s gifts. 

Each of these steps also requires different things from us, calling us forth to grow into our fullness of Being, just as the oak tree emerges from the acorn. When we invite the consciousness of Nature into our lives in an intentional and rhythmic way, we find a dynamic support network of Visionary guidance and spiritual nutrition helping us forward in manifesting the deep wishes of the Soul. We find lessons of Initiation into who we really are at the deepest levels, what our guiding purpose is, and how we can intuitively navigate our paths of Purpose. This is Wild Wisdom in action.

In this evening session and daylong workshop, we will begin exploring these Visionary themes through storytelling and an introduction to a powerful set of deep sensory practices that connect us with Nature both within and around us. This is a chance to be with the mysteries of the living landscape, inviting curiosity and awe as we nourish and ground into our embodied connections with Earth and Soul. 

This special event is also the kickoff for an ongoing monthly series of Wild Wisdom talks and workshops (see below for topic - dates TBA, more info coming soon), in which we will gather regularly as a group to deepen these practices. Monthly gatherings allow a space in which we rhythmically attune to the unfolding seasons and the transformative lessons in Nature, building a community of practice around deep nature connections and the visionary work supported through these connections.

March 29

Wild Wisdom Teachings: Free Introduction

April 2

Kundalini Yoga & Sound Journey w/ Owen Powell